Becoming an eClub Member

Membership Requirements

It is our privilege to have you join us today as we offer the hospitality of our online Rotary club, one of only 13 eClubs throughout the Rotary world. We are chartered under the auspices of Rotary District 5495 in Arizona, USA, and provide the opportunity for Rotary membership to any eligible person in the world. We also provide an alternative Rotary meeting make-up opportunity for Rotarians around the world.

Who Can Join our eClub?

If you are interested in joining our eClub, you need to be in one of the following categories:

  • Eligible prospective members worldwide with no previous membership in Rotary, who wish opportunities to be involved in local, regional, international, and global service projects, and who would more effectively serve through an online meeting format than with that of the standard Rotary club, and who speak English.
  • Eligible prospective members, who were formerly, but are not currently, members of a Rotary club, and who speak English.
  • Young eligible prospective members who are under the age of 35 who cannot fit the standard Rotary meeting format into their schedule or justify the financial commitment, and who speak English.
  • Current English-speaking Rotarians who are unable to sustain standard Rotary club membership due to extensive business commitments, health issues, geographical isolation, or a mobile lifestyle, but desire to continue their service commitment through Rotary.
  • Current or future Rotarians who share a passion for extending borders. who enjoy communicating with interesting Rotarians worldwide, and who have skills that help to bridge barriers on global (and local) dimensions through service, goodwill and fellowship.

How to Apply for membership in our eClub

  (If a current Rotarian, transferring membership to our eClub requires terminating membership in your previous club)

The process for applying to be a member of our eClub is very simple.

  1. Create a user account on our website (if you haven't done this already).
  2. Attend two of our meetings. Be sure that this type of online meeting format works for you.
  3. Complete the online membership application form located among the Visitor options in the top menu bar of this website.

Once you complete your application, and click submit, it will automatically be submitted to our board for approval. The approval process generally take 2-3 weeks. We will notify you when you are approved as a new member, and will schedule a time to induct you into our club.


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